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Level Up Your Compression Skills – Free Download​

  • Get the fundamentals of compression at your fingertips with our free compressor cheat sheet! Understand threshold, ratio, attack, release, and make-up gain for confident and effective audio control.

  • Perfect for beginners learning the ropes and experienced producers needing a quick reference guide.

  • Download, print, and keep it by your workstation for instant clarity in your mixing sessions.

Exclusive! Only available on with

Like Mercury, the planet, we are split into two. One half of us freezes in endless darkness, while the other half glitters with a perfect shade of orange under the rays of our one and only sun. We thus become the Mercurials. We live through different tones of life, swinging from ice to fire. Mercurial Tones is a music academy that seeks to unearth this cacophony of emotions so as to be able to express them without losing their overwhelming sway. 

We are an electronic music academy, a musical software supplier, a digital music label and an online store for music production tools.

Mercurial Tones



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